Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Keep FOCUS Growing

I hope you are keeping warm on this blustery December day!  The students are anxiously studying for finals, the FOCUS staff are putting the finishing touches on our Christmas party preparations, and I am here to tell you about one of the most important things we ask you to participate in each year: the annual Keep FOCUS Growing Fund!

Each year around this time, we ask our students, alumni, donors, and friends of the community to make a special gift to the Keep FOCUS Growing fund.  The money we raised last year as part of Keep FOCUS Growing helped us bring on more staff to minister to students, purchase useful equipment to keep our office functioning efficiently, and pay for events like Pizza Theology to help students engage with their faith on a deeper level.  We couldn't do those things without your generous gifts.  THANK YOU!

This year, we hope to expand to another campus in the DFW area.  Check out this video to see more:

Would you consider making an investment to Keep FOCUS Growing? Please go to anyfocus.org/next20 to donate. 

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